
Discover our plans
and enjoy the benefits of Syrto®!


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Check your Syrto sessions

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Get access to Syrto reports

Obtain in-depth analysis on industries thanks to Syrto reports

Consult Financial Indexes

All companies analyzed through sessions and reports come with a representation of our financial indexes for each year of operations





1 user

Historical Analysis and forecast

A clear representation of the evolution of the past 5 years for every company, and an accurate forecast for its future 3 years.

An immediate overview of your ecosystem

Visualize your company’s network organized by suppliers, customers and competitors.

Analyze your situation

Compare your company’s performance with competitors and reference market, on a global and local level.

Understand Reliability

Analyze the health status of your prospects and potential partners to define optimal ones.


A clear and easy way to identify new partners and target companies.

Integrate BI tool

Improve your market’s strategy with Syrto’s Business Intelligence and share your insights with the team.


Startig from




All of Syrto One’s functionalities

Extended Use

Thanks to our floating licensing system, you can create an infinite number of accounts and manage multiple simultaneous logins, making use of our Syrto tokens.

Advanced collaboration

Improve the information flow inside your company, providing efficient communication between your company’s functions and divisions.

Early access

Obtain the best from our technologies before the rest of the world, staying one step ahead of competitions

Support and training included

The adoption of our Enterprise pack includes ongoing training for your team, conducted directly by our specialists. Our support team is available for every request, to extract the best from our software.